Roundtable Discussion: The Management of Patients with the Partially Obstructed Airway (Preview)




Moderated by Vladimir Nekhendzy, M.D.


Patients with advanced airway obstruction frequently present unique airway management challenges to the anesthesiologist. According to the Fourth National Audit Project of the Royal College of Anaesthetists and the Difficult Airway Society (NAP4) data, various degrees of airway obstruction were present in approximately 27% of patients who developed severe airway management-related complications. The optimal airway technique for the partially obstructed airway remains a subject of controversy, and the anesthesiologist must frequently think outside the box to devise rational and safe airway management plan.

One of such approaches was presented by Dr. James DuCanto in our previous Featured Video of effective airway management of the laryngeal ball valve tumor with the combination of the Glidescope video laryngoscope (GVL) and Shikani optical intubation stylet (Shikani). We have asked the members of the SHANA Education and Scientific Boards to share their expert opinion on the presented management, and on overall approach to these challenging cases.

We hope you enjoy this discussion, and are eager to hear your thoughts on SHANA forum!


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